Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, aims to study the indefinite pronoun. Students are asked to identify the indefinite pronouns and the roles they play in the construction of the text Why is Latin a dead language?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Latin was the language used in much of Europe around 2,000 years ago. But, over time, the way of speaking Latin changed according to the region of that continent. And it changed so much that people in one area no longer understood what people in another place were saying.
Thus, new languages are suggested, such as French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. In other words, Latin has not stopped being spoken, it has just been transformed.
Speaking in Spanish and Portuguese, do you know why J sounds so different in these two languages?
This comes from the time when the Iberian Peninsula (now Portugal and Spain) was colonized by the Romans, in 218 BC. At the time, everyone spoke Latin. But then, Iberian dialects began to emerge, such as Galician-Portuguese and Castilian. That's when the separation between Portuguese and Spanish began – including the way to pronounce some letters.
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Question 1 - The text serves the purpose of:
a) report a fact.
b) provide an explanation.
c) express an opinion.
d) tell a story.
Question 2 - The highlighted term is classified as an indefinite pronoun in:
a) “[…] the way of speaking Latin changed according to the region of that”
b) “And it changed so much that people in an area no longer understood […]"
c) “[…] what the other place they said."
d) "That comes from the time when the Iberian Peninsula […]"
Question 3 - Highlight the indefinite pronouns that make up the following sentences:
a) "At the time, everyone spoke Latin."
b) “[…] including the way to pronounce some letters.”
Question 4 – Identify, among the pronouns highlighted above, the one who performs:
a) the adjective function:
b) the noun function:
Question 5 - In the title, does the term “one” function as an indefinite pronoun? Explain:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.