A Management and Planning Secretariat of the State of Goiás (Segplan) made public in the Official Gazette of the state that registrations will be opened for three Selection Processes Simplified for hiring civil servants for the Education, Culture and Sports portfolio (Seduce).
The public notices add up to more than 17,000 vacancies and cover several areas of activity. Public notice 009/2018 selects higher-level professors to fill 13,288 vacancies. The working day varies from 20 to 40 hours/week per week and wages vary from R$ 876.65 to R$ 1,753.31, according to the contracted workload.
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In the selection process 010/2018, the selection of candidates for 3,944 vacancies in the following positions is described: Executor of Administrative Services, Executor of Auxiliary Services and General Services Assistant (hygiene, lunch box and lookout). The workload for the three functions is 40 hours a week and the remuneration is BRL 954.00.
Finally, Public Notice 011/2018 selects 441 candidates for the following positions: Higher and Middle Level Administrative Support, Accountant, Systems Analyst, Lawyer, Architect, Social Worker, Cadist, Physical Educator, Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Computer Engineer, Nutritionist, Psychologist and Surveyor. The working day for all functions in this public notice is 40 hours per week and wages range from R$ 1,560 to R$ 4,726.85.
All selection process contracts are valid for up to one year and can be extended for up to three years, depending on the functions. Contractors will be allocated according to the specifications of the public notices.
Registration will open between the 14th and the 31st of January 2019, and the participation fee varies between R$ 15.00 and R$ 30.00 reais. The classification will be made by curriculum analysis and proof of experience in the intended area.
For more information about the selection processes, interested parties can access the website www.escoladegoverno.go.gov.br/selecoes/concursos-e-selecoes.html. The information is from Segplan.