Professionals in the area of Sanitation and Environment who want to complement their academic training have an excellent opportunity in sight! A Federal University of Goiás (UFG) is with registrations open for 500 vacancies in distance specialization in Sanitation and Environmental Health. O course is free and offered in partnership with National Health Foundation (Funasa).
Opportunities are also aimed at diploma holders, as long as training is done at an institution recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). People who already work in the area, that is, environment, sanitation, health and water resources will have preference. The course will be offered in the distance modality, with the forecast of four face-to-face meetings to be defined and communicated to the course participants later.
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Classes will be held between October 2018 and April 2020, totaling a workload of 360 hours. The face-to-face modules will take place at the specialization headquarters in Goiânia. The meetings will be used to carry out tests and guide the Final Work (TCC). Remembering that, of the total vacancies, 10% is reserved for employees of the institution and will be released to wide competition if it is not filled.
Interested candidates can apply until September 20th at course website. In it, a form must be completed in addition to writing a text with the theme “The relationship between health and sanitation in rural and traditional communities in Goiás”, corresponding to the evaluation in this process selective. The selection of candidates will be based on the aforementioned dissertation.
The text must have between 100 and 200 words and will be scored considering the criteria of knowledge of the theme, textual organization, grammatical and spelling aspects. In addition, candidates must complete the curriculum vitae provided in the form. Those approved will be called for enrollment between October 8th and 10th. The start of the course is scheduled for the 29th of the same month.
Complete information can be checked at selection notice.