Opportunities for those looking for professional improvement and academic complementation do not stop arising! This time, the tip is for those looking for specialization in the field of Education. A Fiocruz, in partnership with the Open University of Brazil (UAB/MEC), opens enrollment for 200 vacancies in the graduate course on the Impacts of Violence at School.
O specialization course is free and taught in the distance modality. The good news is that, despite being aimed at education professionals who have completed higher education in the area, the only prerequisites expressed in public notice ask that the candidate has completed graduation, internet access and weekly dedication of six hours for the studies. In addition to the material, the course provides online and printed teaching material.
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The postgraduate course is divided into five units, namely:
The registered candidate will receive a notebook containing guidance on the specialization. Throughout the classes, the student will come across case studies, participate in forums, solve exercises, in addition to being part of discussion groups. To complete the postgraduate course, it is necessary to prepare the Course Completion Work (TCC). The course has a workload of 448 hours, 48 hours of which in face-to-face meetings and 400 hours at a distance.
The maximum duration of the course is 12 months with poles installed in the cities of Natal (RN), Rio Branco (AC), Novo Hamburgo (RS), Cuiabá (MT) and Sabará (MG). Three meetings are scheduled for the months of October this year, April and October next year. Entries must be made by September 24th by filling out the form and sending documents through theprogram website.
The complete announcement containing all the information can be accessed here.