The Federal Public Defender's Office (DPU), in partnership with the Centro de Integração Empresa Escola (CIEE), published three public notices for the selection process for hiring higher-level interns. The opportunities are aimed at the cities of Santarém, in Pará, and Teresina, in Piauí.
In Santarém - PA, the public notice No. 01/2018 open vacancies for law students. Registration is open until December 9, 2018, next Sunday, and can be done on the website www.ciee.org.br.
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To compete for one of the vacancies, it is necessary to be enrolled between the 3rd and 9th period, have basic notions of the Office Package and other information system tools, among other requirements.
Students will be selected through two stages, the first being online registration and the second multiple-choice objective test and discursive test.
In Teresina – PI there are two selections, one for students of
Law students must be enrolled between the 5th and 9th period. Administration or Social Work students can be enrolled from the 4th period onwards.
The selection of both will consist of two phases, the first being online registration and the second a face-to-face test.
Those approved in all selection processes will be entitled to a scholarship in the amount of R$ 800.00 plus transportation allowance in the amount of R$ 8.00 per day effectively intern. The working hours will be four hours a day or 20 hours a week.