Undertaking can be a challenging task for those who don't understand much about financial education, and the challenges can be even greater when it comes to women entrepreneurs. Therefore, to face all obstacles and succeed in their business, successful entrepreneurs share financial education tips.
Don't miss the opportunity and check out these financial education tips!
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Being a woman in the society we live in means facing a series of additional challenges in the business world. However, fortunately, the number of women entrepreneurs has grown considerably.
According to data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNADC) by IBGE, the number of women entrepreneurs increased by 30% between 2021 and 2022. However, these women still face difficulties in expanding their businesses, with 87% of them working alone.
Despite all the difficulties, in the last year, the number of women who created at least one job grew more significantly than the number of men, who had an increase of only 8%.
Everyone knows that undertaking is a complicated task for anyone, however for women, the challenges tend to be even greater due to the cultural aspects of society.
“These are the limiting beliefs based on stereotypes, passed down from generation to generation, and rooted from childhood... It's the 'this is not a girl thing, this is not a woman's profession, this is not a woman's way of speaking”, said Renata Malheiros, national coordinator of Women's Entrepreneurship at Sebrae.
She still brings up situations she went through as a woman in the financial world. “I have already received some entrepreneurs who tell me: I tried to get a loan to buy a refrigerator or other machinery for my company and the manager asked me if my husband knew I was taking that loan, if he could sign with me…Is an enterprising man asked about that?"