We selected in this post several suggestions for phrases and Father's Day Message for your tribute of Father's Day.
O Father's Day, just as Mother's Day is celebrated annually in the second sunday in august in Brazil. Normally, on this day, with gifts, messages, kisses and hugs, sons and daughters present their parents, showing all the love they feel for them.
And it was with this in mind that we selected several of these suggestions for your father's day message, check out:
the virtues of a father
This man I admire so much,
with all its virtues
and also with its limits.
This man with the look of a boy,
always ready and attentive,
showing me the way of life,
that lies ahead.This master storyteller
carries in your heart so many memories,
spreads many hopes in my walk,
certainties and trust.This cheerful and playful man,
but also, at times, silent and thoughtful,
man of faith and great struggle,
sensitive and generous.The warm hug to welcome me, this man,
my father, with whom I learn to live.
Dad, Dad, Dad...
my old man, my great friend,
advisor and loyal friend:
infinite is your heart.Thank you dad for guiding my way,
made of struggles and uncertainties
but also of many hopes and dreams
My Papai – Neire S. Araujo
daddy, daddy
Sometimes there's only a little belly
But almost always there is a big bellyI wait for you every day
from work to arrive
I want to talk, tell you things...
And especially hug youCome daddy, come close to me
I'll sit on your lap just like this
look into your eyes
Run your hands through your hair
And say in your ear how much I love you
a man loved and cared for
me in a way almost without
equal in the world; this man
is that you; this man is my father.the being that elevates me to the best
of me, that makes me find
the way, whether I'm here or
elsewhere this man is
my father.And on this very special day, on this
date so beautiful i thank you
for making me the person who
I once wanted to be, this man is
my father.I owe you everything, I owe you
who am I; I owe you my love
which I willingly give you;
to my love, to my hero.
We also recommend: Father's day music
“Father may the merciful Lord bestow upon you a blessing of peace, love and light. Your example of life and faith are the foundations on which I was able to base my beliefs and find the truth. I ask the good Jesus to be with you today and always, amen!
Each of the seven children worked in our father's store, our own department store. In the beginning we did small jobs such as sweeping the floor, tidying the shelves and making packages, and later, when we had experience, we served our customers.
Working and paying attention, we learned that working was more than just surviving and selling. A lesson was imprinted on my mind.
It was close to Christmas. I was in eighth grade and I worked nights, straightening out the toy section. A little boy, about five or six years old, entered. He wore a worn, dirty brown coat. The disheveled hair. The torn and untied sneaker. The boy looked very poor to me – too poor to have the money to buy anything.
He looked around the toy section, picked up a toy, looked closely, and carefully returned it to its place.
Dad went downstairs and walked over to the boy. His blue eyes smiled and the dimple in his face stood out as he asked the boy what he could do for him. The boy said he was looking for a Christmas present to give his brother.
It impressed me how Dad treated him with the same respect with which he treated all the customers. Dad told him to be comfortable and take it easy.
About 20 minutes later, the boy chose a toy, went to my dad and asked, "Sir, how much is this one?"
- How much you have? my father asked.
The boy reached into his pocket and withdrew some R$27 cent coins. The price of the chosen toy was R$ 3.98. But what luck! That's exactly how much it costs! My father told him and closed the sale.
Dad's answer still rings in my ears. I thought about this as I wrapped the gift. When the boy left the store, I no longer noticed the dirty, worn clothes, the disheveled hair, or the torn and untied sneakers. What I saw was a radiant child carrying a treasure.
dear father...
How happy to say to You on this day that I want to see you very happy.
Tell him that on this day of yours I hope that the sorrows are not present and any pain or anguish is removed from his heart.
Dad, I think the greatest gift a child can give is a soul full of thanks, a soul full of love and tenderness.
Father, I ask God every day to enlighten your paths and lengthen your days of life with harmony, peace and health.
Thank you so much Dad I took your sleep, I made you smile, and I was ready a lot, even so you told me stories to sleep, sometimes close, sometimes far away, but always worried.
For all this Dad, thank you very much!!
Other suggestions from Phrases, Messages and Videos for Father's Day
He is a happy, good-humored father, a bosom friend
But that also gets nervous!…
And who wants to have the right
Of being lazy sometimes,
To play, to go back to being a child.
Who also gets tired of always being tough!
And who is sometimes afraid
Because it's people. Super hero
It only exists on TV!
The father is flesh and blood,
Just like you!
And it needs affection. Attention!
And sometimes a little juice
Made by your hand!
Today the father needs
Of a doubled energy...
well beyond your work
He always has to help...
And even wet diaper
He already knows how to change!
are you noticing
That times are changing!
The woman working outside...
The man at home helping...
The child participating!
Good thing to see!
(Maria da Conceição Torres G. Tavares)
This man I admire so much,
with all its virtues
and also with its limits.
This man with the look of a boy,
always ready and attentive,
showing me the way of life,
that lies ahead.
This master storyteller
carries in your heart so many memories,
spreads many hopes in my walk,
certainties and trust.
This cheerful and playful man,
but also, at times, silent and thoughtful,
man of faith and great struggle,
sensitive and generous.
The warm hug to welcome me, this man,
my father, with whom I learn to live.
Dad, Dad, Dad...
my old man, my great friend,
advisor and loyal friend:
infinite is your heart.
Thank you dad for guiding my way,
made of struggles and uncertainties
but also of many hopes and dreams
father, father friend,
if i play with you
And you play with me,
I don't want anything else.
From your voice, from your smile,
From your strong and safe hand,
Of your trust and tenderness,
From all this, Father,
It's what I need.
daddy, daddy
Sometimes there's only a little belly
But almost always there is a big belly
I wait for you every day
from work to arrive
I want to talk, tell you things...
And especially hug you
Come daddy, come close to me
I'll sit on your lap just like this
look into your eyes
Run your hands through your hair
And say in your ear how much I love you
Check out some tips and Father's Day Card Ideas
daddy tastes like candy
is strong like a lion
to me you are a king
the person with the best heart
you are better than chocolate
better than my favorite ice cream
you are the most important man
You are my dear daddy.
Today is considered Father's Day.
More to me every day is your day.
Working Father's Day.
Honest Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day.
Loving Father's Day.
Player Father's Day.
Joyful Father's Day.
Fighting Father's Day.
Father's day that always seeks your goals.
Father's Day Counselor.
Crying Father's Day.
Joke Father's Day.
Anyway, father's day that never let me down
who never missed anything
Therefore, my father I recognize your effort and
On this day considered your come here to thank you
For all you've done for me, thank you from my heart.
“When I was born, my father was a being who sometimes showed up to applaud my latest achievements. When I got bigger, he was a figure who taught me the difference between bad and good. During my adolescence, it was the authority that set limits on my desires. Now that I'm an adult, he's the best advisor and friend I have.”
“Father is someone who hugs you when you cry, who scolds you when you break the rules; someone whose eyes shine with pride when you prosper and have faith in yourself when you fail. Dad is what we call our best friend! I love you, dad!”
“From the beginning you were my super hero. Today you are more than that: you are a friend. I love you, dad.”
Being a father is a gift from God that cannot be appraised… being a father is having the privilege of molding like a artisan the life of a child through good example and attitudes that dignify man and praise the God…
I want to wish you on this Father's Day a special blessing that gives you strength each day to get up and understand that your mission is to be a FATHER…”Mine I lost it when I was less than two years old. born".
My father.. taught me to be strong, to keep my head up, protected me when I needed it, but let me solve my problems when I asked him, he was always by my side, but he fought with me when I was wrong without losing the affection and the understanding. Father, besides helping you to put you in the world, he is also a friend, counselor, that's all… He's someone who loves you, is affectionate, is understanding, he's someone who despite fights, he will never leave you, he will always be there when you need him, so give your father value, because he is one of the few people who will always come to you. support.
Dear brothers and sisters, Father's Day is not just about honoring you with expensive gifts, it's about loving you and staying by your side, on such a special day. They may not be perfect, but they love us as we are… Many just visit their parents on the 2nd Sunday of August, not knowing what Father's Day is every day. Others put them in nursing homes, we don't know, until when this very affectionate person will be in our lives...
Stay with the Lord's peace and may this peace reign in our hearts forever and ever…
Sandreanny Crystine
Requests for a child
1. Dad, don't give me everything I ask for. Sometimes I ask just to get it, to make it up, to get your attention.
2.Don't give me orders. If instead of orders I asked for things with firmness and affection, I would do them quickly and with much more joy.
3.Don't make me promises. If you promise me, keep good and bad promises. If you promise me a prize, give it to me, but also give me the punishment, if promised.
4. Do not correct my faults in front of others, teach me to be better when we are alone and with your example.
5.Don't compare me to anyone, especially my brother or sister. If you make me feel worse than others I will suffer much more.
6.Don't yell at me. I respect you more when you talk to me and don't force me to scream either.
7.Let me walk on my own feet, have my own emotions. If you do everything for me, I will never have the joy of being able to learn.
8. When I am wrong in something, admit it, because my esteem for you will grow much more, and this will teach me to recognize my own mistakes.
9.Treat me with the same kindness and cordiality that you treat your friends, so I will learn from you the value of respect and friendship.
10.When I'm going through difficult times, help me. Try to understand me. Show your love for me. I like to feel that I am loved. I need security to grow. Answer my requests, because only then will I be able to be happy.
Being a father is, above all, not expecting rewards.
But be happy if and when they arrive.
It is knowing how to do what is necessary above and inside the incomprehension.
It's learning tolerance with others and exercising hard intolerance (but understanding) with one's mistakes.
Being a father is learning, making mistakes, the time to speak and be silent.
It is content to be a reserve, a supporting role, left for later.
But never speak at the precise moment.
It is having the courage to go forward, both for life and for death.
It is to live the weaknesses that you will correct in your child later, making yourself strong in his name and in all that he will have to live to understand and face.
Being a father is learning to be challenged even when at the height of lucidity.
And wait.
It's knowing that experience only works for those who have it, and you only have to live it.
Therefore, it is to bear the pain of seeing the children go through the necessary sufferings, seeking to protect them without realizing it, so that they can discover their own paths.
Being a father is: knowing and being silent. Make and save. Say and don't insist.
Speak and say. Dosing and controlling yourself. Driving without demonstrating.
It's seeing pain, suffering, addiction, falling and lurking, never transferring to children what, the soul, corrodes.
Being a father is being good without being weak.
It is never to transfer the share of their imperfection to their children,
his weak, helpless and orphaned side.
Being a father is learning to be surpassed, even struggling to renew yourself.
It is understanding without demonstrating, and waiting for the time to harvest, even if not in life.
Being a parent is learning to stifle the need for cuddling and understanding.
But go to tears when they arrive.
To be a father is to know how to fade away as it becomes clearer in the child's personality, always as an influence, never as an imposition.
It is knowing how to be a hero in childhood, an example in youth and friendship in the adult age of the child.
It's knowing how to play and get angry.
It is training without modeling, helping without charging, teaching without demonstrating, suffering without contagion, loving in receiving. Being a father is knowing how to receive anger, misunderstanding, antagonism, mental retardation, envy, projection of feelings negatives, transient hatred, revolt, disillusionment and responding to everything with the ability to proceed without offend; to insist without mediation, certainty, port, balance, support, bridge, hand that opens the cage, love that does not hold, foundation, enigma, pacification.
Being a father is to reach the maximum anguish in the maximum silence.
Maximum coexistence in maximum solitude.It is, in short, to reap the victory exactly when he realizes that the child he helped to grow already does not need him to live.
He is the one who cancels himself in the work he has done and smiles, serenely, because he has done everything to stop being important.
ideas of father's day card (templates to print).
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