The period to join the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) has been extended to February 6. O entrance exam 2023 is aimed at those who took the National High School Examination (Enem). To apply, you must pay the application fee which is costing R$ 50. Applications are open until the first week of next month.
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The results of the FGV entrance examination through Enem will be published on February 24th. From 18:00 on the same day, candidates will be able to check the result through the site. Upon publication, the registration calendar will be released.
FGV accepts Enem candidates who took the test from 2019 to now, depending on the course. Public Administration and Administration courses, for example, require the Enem from 2020 to 2022. Check out the details!
Rio de Janeiro
Candidates may be register on the site.
The order will be available until February 1st. Candidates who have finished or are about to finish high school in the public school system and those who acquired handbag 100% in private institutions.