A new month begins and with it come new opportunities for accomplish our goals and projects!
If you're one of those people who feel like they can never cross an item off their dream list, you've come to the right place. Get ready to learn the Agenda Technique.
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This technique utilizes the power of manifestation. Using a clear view and a precise definition of your goals, your achievement becomes more tangible.
Are you ready for the success of your goals? So let's go! Let's start June off on the right foot.
Briefly speaking, to put the Agenda Technique into practice, all you'll need is time, an agenda, and a pencil or pen to mark important information.
With your agenda in hand, take the time to plan and organize all your goals, putting everything on paper in as much detail as possible.
Follow the steps shown below and see how even the most anxious may find solace in this method!
1. Make your list of goals
Since we're starting our technique in June, turn to this month's front page in your calendar. In it, write down all the goals you want to achieve even on this calendar sheet.
As stated above, be as detailed as possible. For example, don't write: "lose 5 kg". Write: “Improve my diet, eating in a balanced way; me exercise at least three times a week; drink enough water”.
Realize? You broke the goal down into small steps that made it more tangible. Isn't it easier to visualize this goal being achieved?
And, very important: write as if you've already done everything, in the present – not in the future. Always thanking the Universe.
2. Define what is priority
Sit down with yourself, look at all your June goals and think: what is most important here? Define what is most urgent and what will have the most impact on your life right away.
With that, you'll start manifesting what needs the most effort first. But don't worry, the Universe will take care of you to complete the entire list.
3. Manifest and track your progress
Whenever possible, take the time to manifest your goals to the Cosmos. Sit back, close your eyes, and imagine that you've achieved everything on your agenda. Read, re-read and read again what you wrote, feeling like you got it!
After that, follow up on what you've already done to achieve your plan. Remember to be consistent and persistent!
4. Give thanks
never forget to thank the universe for what you achieved.
Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.