It is extremely important that students are aware of their situation in the context of quotas, because through them, it is possible to compete only with students in a similar situation. To clear up any doubts, Gustavo Paes Oliveira, a lawyer and specialist in social security and tenders, will clarify these questions.
Read too: Use of the Quota Law helps to reduce inequality in Brazil
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The reservation of vacancies in federal universities for minorities, its rules and specificities are provided for in Law nº 12.711/12, known as the Quota Law. Therefore, the racial quota that reserves 50% of vacancies in federal universities and federal institutes for quota students is governed by this norm. However, there are requirements for the student to have access to these quotas, such as having attended high school in the public network.
Racial quotas also cover brown, indigenous, people with disabilities and low-income students. Therefore, vacancies allocated for these quotas are divided among these groups according to the criteria established by law.
In 2001, blacks occupied only 22% of vacancies in federal universities, according to a study carried out by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). In 2015, blacks occupied 44% of vacancies. That is, just three years after the law came into force, vacancies occupied by blacks doubled.
When quotas were thought of, that was the main objective: to make it easier for people to access minorities to higher education, giving these people opportunities to get better jobs and remunerations. Another point that the law seeks is to achieve efficient social mobility and guarantee quality of life for the marginalized population through education.
Law nº 12.711/12 guarantees three different types of quotas, aiming to reach the largest possible number of students. Check them out and see if you fit into any group:
This modality is intended for self-declared black, brown and indigenous candidates (PPI), as well as the disabled. However, universities have the option of allocating a portion of vacancies to other essential affirmative actions in their region.
Students who attended high school in a public school are entitled to a portion of quota places at federal universities. Even if the student is not entitled to the other groups of quotas, he can compete in this modality with other students in the same situation.
This modality covers low-income students, whose criterion is gross family income per person, which should not exceed one and a half minimum wages. In addition, the student who intends to access these vacancies must, obligatorily, have attended high school in a public school.
Yes. Every year, countless students fail the enrollment process at the institution for not present the necessary supporting documents, or because they are rejected by the banking heteroidentification.
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