The box Federal Economic returnedwith The releaseof theloansconsignedofprogramaid Brazil, in this last Monday, 14. Previously, it isfunctionthere wasbeensuspended before the second round of the elections, per recommendation of the Federal Audit Court (TCU) It is continuedfrozenafterofelectionsdueto the payroll processing aid.
Now, it is already possible to request a payroll loan from Auxílio Brasil again. Learn more throughout the article.
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Ina deal with the box, This onefreezingatreleasegoContinuehappening every month, due to the preparation of the monthly benefit payments, made by Dataprev, a technological company of the Brazilian government. At thehowever,the number in days It is your dates yet no they weredetermined by the bank. Next, find out how to apply for a loan from Caixa.
The Caixa application has a simulator, which says how much the person can receive on loan. After the simulation has been done, they will give you some information such as: the rates embedded in the loans, the duration of the contract, the amount of each installment, the final amount of how much you will pay for this request and the readjusted value of your benefit, if you sign the contract for this function.
Workers at these establishments will need to inform those interested in loans:
How to check the progress of the loan application in the Caixa Tem application:
The loan can be approved, canceled or in process.
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