Did you know that there is a benefit that pays up to a minimum wage for children and adolescents? This is the Benefit of Continuous Provision (BPC), which aims todestiny people with disabilities regardless of age. That way, even those under 18 can receive it, as long as it fits the rules.
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Better known only as BPC, this benefit assists millions of families in Brazil with an amount referring to the minimum wage in effect for that year. To receive it, you must be part of one of these two social groups:
In the case of PCDs who are minors, the parents or guardians will need to make the withdrawals until they reach the age of majority. In any case, there is no restriction on a minimum age for enrolling in the program.
However, income conditions must be observed, as it is necessary that the PCD have a per capita income equal to or less than 25% of the minimum wage. In addition, it will also be necessary to prove the disability through medical expertise.
Before making the request, the family of the disabled or elderly person must go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) of your city so that the entire survey of the proof of income is carried out and for the medical examination to be scheduled, if necessary. necessary.
It is worth remembering that all family members – and not just those who will receive the BPC – must register with CadÚnico. Soon after, the social worker can apply for the benefit or the family itself can do it.
In this case, the request can be made through the MY INSS app, which is available for Android and iOS devices. It is also possible to make the request through the INSS Call Center at number 135. Once the request is granted, the family can receive a minimum wage per beneficiary.