Anyone who has debt to any institution should know that there is a great difficulty in getting credit because of the “dirty name”. However, with this new modality of Caixa Tem loan for negatives, it will be possible to get credit easily and without major bureaucracy. This is the first time that Caixa has carried out a credit release action for people with SPC and Serasa restrictions, and it will act as a stimulus for the national economy. See here how you should apply and the criteria for receiving it.
Read more: Caixa releases FGTS withdrawal for new group.
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This initiative integrates the set of measures of the Digital Microcredit Simplification program, the Digital SIM. Therefore, it aims to provide credit to people who want to start their own business or already have a business. Even those who are MEI can apply, as well as companies that have income of up to R$ 81 thousand per year.
Those who get the loan can receive a maximum of R$ 1,000, but the amount may be lower depending on Caixa's analysis. As for the interest rate, it remains at 1.95% per month, while installments must be made in up to 24 monthly installments. Furthermore, it is worth remembering that, despite being an opportunity for negative people, the release of loan will also involve an analysis of consumer behavior to decide whether credit is viable or not.
One of the great benefits of the loan through the SIM Digital is the possibility of making the entire request, as well as all payments, through the internet. To do this, you will need to have the Caixa Tem application, the same one used to receive and transfer Emergency Aid. After downloading and entering the application, you will need to follow the steps below: