Maintaining a good quality of life is not an easy task. Amidst so many day-to-day commitments, in which there is barely time to rest and enjoy family and friends, people find themselves exhausted, literally at the apex of their limits. This may be related to stress, which currently has a great influence on the physical and psychological discomfort of the population.
The word stress, for those unfamiliar, can be defined as the sum of physical and mental responses caused by some external stimuli, also known as stressors. They allow the individual to overcome certain demands of the environment in which they live and still generate the physical and mental exhaustion caused by this process.
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Stress, in fact, has been characterized by the accumulation of small problems in everyday life. What usually happens is an increase in blood pressure and the number of heartbeats, which can have dire consequences for the body.
In Brazil, 70% of the population is under stressful conditions in their work environments, according to ISMA (International Stress Management Association) data. If they are not stressed, they are possibly victims of anxiety.
If the problem is literally related to work pressure, something must be done to change this situation. So how about getting ready to face the most diverse day-to-day challenges outside the office? Through some simple activities, it is possible to mitigate these effects that are unpleasant for any human being.
To help you, Exame.com asked the director of the Physical Assessment and Training Center (Caft), Victor dos Santos, to recommend some physical activities for professionals who face stress at work. We list some of these tips and add others that are for all tastes and profiles. Check it out below:
1 – Ballroom dancing
According to the director of the Caft, Victor Santos, ballroom dancing can be very useful for those who are stressed, as it allows them to the person disconnects from their day-to-day concerns, such as reaching goals and achieving specific results in their work. It is considered a ludic activity, which works with different senses of the human body, mainly with hearing. In addition, it allows the appreciation of the other, through interaction and exchange of experiences.
But after all, what are the benefits of this activity for the body? When you become a ballroom dancer, your motor coordination benefits, reasoning is stimulated, mainly due to the synchronization of steps. The muscles are in constant motion and even those of the face are worked on, as there is a great stimulus for smiles during classes.
If done frequently, intensity and discipline can even lead to weight loss, which is usually a great consequence for practitioners. Oh, and rest assured, this activity has no contraindications, you can start exercising at any time.
2 – Tai Chi Chuan
You may be wondering: “What is this sport all about anyway?” Calm down, let's explain. Tai chi chuan is considered a martial art originated in China, also known as an excellent form of movement meditation.
If you are a worker who is subjected to long working hours, surely, at some point, you have complained about the acceleration of your heart rate, caused by stress.
In these cases, tai chi chuan can be very useful for improving cardiovascular function. As Vitor Santos explains, the heart is one of the organs most affected by stress, so it must be preserved.
3 – Boxing
If you are a stressed worker looking to relieve your tension through some physical activity, then it's time to start taking boxing classes. It has a strong intensity, composed of punching bags that can eliminate the most varied negative sensations from the body.
As Victor Santos explains, those who opt for this activity tend to have more balance psychological, know how to better face day-to-day challenges and deal with unpleasant unforeseen events with greater caution.
There are several benefits for the body, including muscle toning of the shoulders, back and arms. If the classes are practiced with frequency and discipline, the results can appear within 12 weeks, says the director of the Caft.
But what up, is there a contraindication? As boxing is considered a high-intensity muscular activity, it is recommended that the person interested take some breaks. during the practice of the exercise, mainly so as not to lose heart to continue, as a lot of pain may appear during the day Following.
4 – Water aerobics
For those who don't know, hydrogymnastics is an aerobic exercise done in swimming pools whose objective is the prophylactic maintenance of health. Through the practice of this exercise, it is possible to improve aerobic capacity, cardiorespiratory resistance, muscle strength, flexibility, in addition to generating weight loss.
For those who work all day sitting in a chair in front of the computer, it can help to maintain correct posture. The fact that it is performed in water, the probability of injuries and accidents is much lower, in addition to being a pleasant and pleasant activity, with no contraindications.
In the face of all these advantages, we have even more good news. Hydrogymnastics brings many benefits to the heart. According to Victor Santos, “when the practitioner is in the water, the body undergoes hydrostatic pressure, that is, the pressure of the water. This pressure helps in venous return, that is, in the return of blood to the heart through the veins, and consequently the heart slows down (decrease of 8 to 13 beats)”, he concludes.
5 – Yoga
Darling of many people who enjoy meditation, Yoga is considered one of the traditional physical and mental disciplines that originated in India. It can be very effective for people who face back pain caused by poor posture in the workplace or something like that. In addition, it can combat disorders of the digestive system, adds Victor dos Santos.
Those who opt for these exercises are even benefited with stronger and more resistant muscles, kilos less in the balance, greater perception, sensitivity and knowledge of your own body, long life, calm and astral mind high.
Faced with so many advantages, the question arises: “Can anyone practice this activity? Some Yoga exercises can force the participant's body, therefore, it is preferable that he evaluates whether a position will be uncomfortable or not before doing it.
6 – 30-minute walk a day
It may seem irrelevant, but a 30-minute walk during the day can be very helpful in relieving stress and anxiety. If you're an executive who spends hours in the same position, focused on the results of your work, it's time to take some time to admire the landscape outside the offices and stretch your muscles.
But, to get good results, no cakewalk. According to specialist Victor Santos, the walk needs to be one that makes you sweat, but without the need to lose your breath. Activity done correctly allows hormones to be released that help in the harmony of body functioning.
One of the main advantages is the improvement in the blood circulation of those who practice it. Sitting for a long time, for example, can cause some unpleasant consequences, such as the appearance of varicose veins, and exercising frequently can prevent this from happening.
For walking, good footwear is recommended, the one suitable for your feet, preferably soft, as those with very hard soles can cause some damage to the spine.
7 – Pilates
Practiced by many people who attend the gym, Pilates is an activity that works with physical and mental conditioning. The movements carried out provide stretching and strengthening of the entire body. Other benefits are improved breathing and body balance, as well as motor coordination and joint mobility.
Faced with these benefits, it is possible to imagine the good that Pilates can do for those who are dedicated to hard work. Stress can be reduced considerably, as its practice provides relaxation for the individual. In this way, it makes you more willing to wake up the next day.
To carry it out, it is important that the person is accompanied by a professional specialized in the area, as their physical movements need to be constantly evaluated. The limits and needs of the practitioner require special observation and the student's evolution happens from their effort and continuous dedication.
8 – Climbing
For those who like more extreme sports, climbing can be a great option. This activity is focused on reaching the summit of a rock wall, block or climbing wall.
The activity, which can be carried out individually or in a group, requires a lot of strength and concentration from the participant. The one who performs it must find the most varied ways to overcome obstacles, regardless of whether they are real or not.
The main advantages are increased muscle strength and power, greater flexibility and control over the body. In addition, it works with some psychological aspects such as fear, attention and concentration. Therefore, it helps to considerably eliminate stress, giving way to physical and mental well-being.
Another advantage is that anyone can practice the exercise, as long as they are guided by a good climbing professional. So that all equipment is used correctly and safely.