To the flowershave several specialized structures. Have you heard or know what is androecium?
O androecium is the name given to the male reproductive system of the flower, which is composed of the set of stamens that produce and carry the pollen.
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The stamens are basically formed by two parts: the filament and the anther. The fillet is a rod that suspends and supports the anther.
The anther is the place where the pollen sacs are inserted, which produce the pollen grains. Normally, it has four pollen sacs, organized in pairs inside the thecae, which are the lobes of the anthers.
When pollen grains are mature, thecae open through longitudinal slits, pores at the apex of thecae, or valves to release pollen grains.
Stamens can be classified into groups:
They can also be classified according to the number of stamens and petals of the flower:
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