Did you know that there are many people interested in buying real banknotes to build a collection? In these cases, the most expensive banknotes will also be the rarest, with a smaller number of impressions and practically out of circulation. But make no mistake, some of these banknotes can still be found on the market and you can earn good money if you find them.
Check out what they are below:
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All real banknotes must contain an inscription just below with the phrase: “God be praised”. However, there was a print run in 1994 that, by mistake, came out without this inscription. It is not known exactly how many of these notes were printed, but collectors are willing to pay up to 4,000 reais for each one. From this, you can see that it is a very rare banknote, which certainly increases its value and makes it more difficult to find it.
Another very important detail on real banknotes is the signature of the Minister of Finance and the President of the Central Bank. Despite being something present in all banknotes, this factor can make a banknote a rare copy, since there is only a limited number with a specific signature. This is the case of the 50 note with the signature of Pérsio Árida, who was President of the Central Bank between January and June 1995. Approximately 400,000 units of this note circulated on the market, and because they are so rare, they have a value of 3,000 reais for collectors.
During the 1990s, the Central Bank used to mark with an asterisk the notes that were the replacement of others whose printing was wrong. Thus, around 400 thousand banknotes of 5 and 10 reais have an asterisk and can still be found in circulation. However, they are rare, and precisely for this reason collectors are willing to pay up to 2,000 reais for each one.