Portuguese activity, focused on ninth grade students, explores past perfect verbs. Let's analyze this tense in the text about the life of Alphonse Laveran? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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Born in Paris on June 18, 1845, Laveran was the son and grandson of doctors and graduated in Medicine at the Strasbourg School of Military Medicine in 1867. His career as a military doctor took him to Algeria, where he developed his studies on malaria, confirming his findings in research in Italy. In 1897 he joined as a volunteer researcher at the Pasteur Institute. He carried out important studies on protozoa responsible for human and animal diseases, especially plasmodia and trypanozomatids. _______ the first to raise the hypothesis of malaria transmission by mosquitoes. He died in Paris on May 18, 1922.
Ana Palma.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Emphasize the verb in the past perfect tense below:
“[…] Laveran was the son and grandson of doctors and graduated in Medicine at the Strasbourg Military Medical School in 1867.”
Question 2 – The above highlighted verb is in the perfect past tense to indicate:
( ) a completed fact.
( ) an unfinished fact.
( ) a sporadic fact.
Question 3 – In the passage “His career as a military doctor took him to Algeria […]”, the personal pronoun performs the function of:
( ) subject of the past tense perfect verb “led”.
( ) direct object of the past perfect verb “led”.
( ) indirect object of the past perfect verb “led”.
Question 4 – In the segment "in 1897, joined the Pasteur Institute as a volunteer researcher.”, the highlighted expression adds to the past tense verb a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 5 - Complete the space with the verb “to be” in the past perfect tense:
“_______ the first to raise the hypothesis of malaria transmission by mosquitoes.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.