“Concerned whether to turn down a second date with that date that wasn't super cool but wasn't that bad either? Some tips can help you reflect on this. After all, no one should date someone else just to be polite. Check out the text we selected and ask your questions!
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When you date that new person it's not bad, but it also doesn't make any terrible faux pas that would make you refuse a second date right away, that doubt always arises: should I meet the person again?
If this is your case, before leaving saying “yes”, without certainty, for a second date, how about thinking about the following questions?
The pajama test is when you ask yourself if you'd rather stay home than go out again. So if your desire to lie down on the couch and watch a movie is greater than your desire to go out, it might be better to say no to a second date.
If during the meeting only one of the people speaks and asks questions, without allowing the other person even the opportunity to say in a word, this could be a red flag that a second date could turn into another round of job interview.
Even if the person is polite and kind, it's not pleasant to feel like you're in the background or doing all the talking. The ideal is to have a balance between asking questions, giving answers and having a light and fun chat.
The last indicator for turning down a second date is realizing that there is no issue between you and your new date. Even if there are similar interests and careers, when the conversation doesn't flow, it can become a tense and even awkward situation for both of you.
At this time, even talking about the weather serves to disguise the lack of common ground. However, it's best to think twice if you're in the mood to sustain the mood of the pair's mismatch.