Federal institutes in two Brazilian states offer golden opportunities for those who intend to attend an undergraduate, graduate or technical education next year! Institutions in São Paulo and Goiás together offer 7,792 places in free courses offered in three units.
O Goiano Federal Institute (IFGoiano) has open enrollment for 1,900 available in at least 27 technological courses, degrees and bachelor's degrees. The offer comprises the campuses of Urutaí, Trindade, Rio Verde, Posse, Morrinhos, Iporá, Ipameri, Hidrolândia, Catalão, Cristalina, Ceres and Campos Belos.
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This year, the institution offers four new courses:
The selection of candidates will be made according to their performance in the National High School Examination (ENEM). Applications remain open until November 25th and must be made by
At the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), the offer is 5,862 vacancies in the 144 technical courses integrated into High School, concurrent and subsequent technicians. Among the contemplated units are those located in the capital, Barretos, Campinas, Campos do Jordão, Jundiaí and São Carlos.
Applications are open until November 20th and must be made by institution's selection process portal, without charging fees. The selection of candidates will be based on their academic record, therefore there will be no application of tests. Rankings must be published on January 10, 2019. More information in the notice.
Finally, the IFSP Sao Carlos registration is open for 30 vacancies in the Specialization in Education: Science, Technology and Society. The face-to-face course welcomes graduates in any degree area or in other courses, as long as they work in Education. Classes will be held on Saturdays, completing a total workload of 420 hours.
Candidates will be selected by written test, letter of interest and school transcript. The first is scheduled for November 10th. Applications must be made by October 20, directly at the São Carlos campus. The service is provided from 4 pm to 7 pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 12 pm on Saturdays.
The final result of the selection should be announced on December 14th. Enrollments, in turn, can be made between January 14 and 18, according to the schedule made available in the public notice. The course is expected to start in February 2019. More information at regulation.