'Tune', the brazilian series created by Konrad “KondZilla” Dantas, Guilherme Quintella and Felipe Braga, won the top of the most viewed series on Netflix in Portugal since its debut, remaining at number one without interruption.
The plot follows the journey of three teenagers from a favela in São Paulo, as they pursue their dreams and face the challenges of the world of music, drugs and religion, maintaining their strong friendship.
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The fourth season of ‘Sintonia’, released on July 25, continued the story after the events impacts of the last season, putting the characters Rita, Nando and MC Doni in the middle of a dangerous conflict.
The new episodes were an immediate success, accumulating 6.4 million views in their opening week in Portugal, according to data provided by FlixPatrol.
In addition to Portugal, ‘Sintonia’ also reached positions in the top 10 of audience in five other countries: Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay, Luxembourg and, of course, Brazil.
(Image: Netflix/Playback)
The fourth season led the streaming service's global audience between July 24th and 30th.
It is the first time that a Brazilian work reaches this position in the service's weekly ranking. In the overall ranking, the program was second only to 'The Witcher', an English language production.
The talented actors Christian Malheiros, Jottapê and Bruna Mascarenhas, protagonists of the series, were highlighted for their performances.
The fourth season of 'Sintonia' continues the narrative after the tragic outcome of the last season, with the main characters dealing with the consequences of their actions.
Rita, now a law student, gets involved in discussions about Brazilian justice in college, while MC Doni seeks new opportunities in the music business. Nando, on the other hand, tries to redeem himself from his past as a drug dealer.
With an engaging plot, twists and intense emotions, ‘Sintonia’ won the hearts of viewers in Portugal and around the world, consolidating itself as one of the most viewed and appreciated Brazilian productions on Netflix. The success of the series is a historic feat for Brazilian entertainment on the international streaming scene.
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