Hiring internet services and providing digital educational equipment and resources in schools. This is the main objective of the Connected Education Innovation Program, whose criteria for financial transfer from the Union to basic education schools who adhere to it, were published, in the form of an ordinance, by the Ministry of Education (MEC), in the Official Gazette (DOU) of this Tuesday (8).
According to the federal document, it will be up to the state, Federal District and municipal departments of Education to carry out the selection of 'eligible' schools, in addition to promoting the appointment of the respective representatives of the Integrated Monitoring, Execution and Control System (Simec).
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Among the requirements for participation in the program, highlight: the school must be active, with at least one enrollment; has an electrical network and has its own executing unit. The school representative will have to be a server, have completed the training of articulators and show knowledge about the use of technology for pedagogical purposes.
Once the stages of adherence and indication of schools have been completed, MEC will disclose the values to be passed on by schools, which will later be published on the official website of the Education Innovation Policy Connected.
Another mandatory measure is that the selected schools will have to install the 'Connected Education Meter' on a computer, fill out the monitoring in the “Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola” (Interactive PDDE) system, and complete the elaboration of a Financial Application Plan (PAF).
In addition to the ordinance, MEC established a list of items for later acquisition by teaching units, through the 'Connected Education Innovation Program': connection service; infrastructure equipment; computer; notebook or cloudbook; not to mention others, not included in the program, such as printers, sound box and microphone.
inclusive actions – Among the actions to be developed by the Ministry of Communications (MCom), in the coming months, includes the 'National Plan for Digital Inclusion', which includes expanding connectivity and literacy digital; and the 'National Program for Connectivity in Education', in addition to an investment of more than BRL 3.1 billion, related to the 5G auction, with a view to promoting connectivity for educational purposes.