About 50 years later, Russia is again concerned with space missions. Last Friday (11), the country launched the so-called “Luna-25” mission, which intends to land a robot of the same name on the surface of the moon.
The title of the current mission is a tribute to the last one carried out by Russia, “Luna-24”. But this time, the landing takes place on the south side of the star, where there is a lot of ice, which attracted the attention of space programs in other countries.
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The new mission has been under development for years, ensuring a lot of scientific study of the location where the mission will take place.
According to information, Putin never gave up on lunar missions, believing that, through space exploration, his country can regain strength in the international community.
The launch, which took place last Friday morning, was carried out with a Soyuz rocket and departed from the “Vostochny” platform. 80 minutes after launch, the
(Image: publicity)
The aircraft is expected to arrive in orbit around the moon next Wednesday (16th) and land on August 21st.
According to what experts are debating, this mission is an essential part of Putin's plan to reconquer and rebuild Russia.
The plan, which exists well before the outbreak of war with Ukraine, is part of the Russian leader's idea of carrying out his post-Soviet reconstruction.
Thus, the “Luna-25” mission is seen as an instrument to open new horizons for the country, which suffers from several sanctions from the Westernafter the start of the war in Ukraine. Putin sees the mission as a counterattack on Western countries.
This is the first attempt after its success in the 1950s and 1960s, when the country launched the Sputnik satellite and the first astronaut into space, Yuri Gagarin.
The moment happened during the Cold War (from 1947 to 1991) as a way to strengthen its power against NASA, the Space Agency of the United States.