Knowing how to use money starts at home and from an early age. The use of such truth has never been so necessary as it is today, in view of the alarming conclusion of the Research of Consumer Indebtedness and Default (Peic), of last July, that more than 78% of Brazilian families are indebted.
In the same direction, a study by the international consultancy S&P Global Financial Literacy Survey confirms that only 35% of Brazilians are financially literate, a determining factor for another tragic reality: that of young people without any awareness of the implications of their expenses, which results in a disorderly financial life, characterized by an endless cycle of debts.
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Faced with these findings, Brazilian society's awareness of the urgency of ensuring, from an early age, a solid foundation of financial education is growing. This is where the central role of the school comes in, as a means of disseminating a mentality aimed at balancing expenses and income, in order to definitively remove the compulsion to spend on impulse.
In this sense, an important step in this direction was the entry into force, as of 2020, of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), which made financial education a mandatory subject in the curriculum of elementary schools across the country. country. The subject will be treated as a cross-cutting theme, with a permanent presence in disciplines such as mathematics and natural sciences, for example.
Similar initiatives are already underway, such as the ‘Programa Jovem Paulista’, by the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo. Paulo (Alesp), which promotes classes on the fundamentals of finance and entrepreneurship in high schools state.
Another innovation in this regard is offered by the ‘Let’s Play and Learn Project’, by Instituto Brasil Solidário, whose motto is 'exporting knowledge' and 'highlighting practical results of financial education in people's lives. To facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, educational games are developed using market-specific terms, but taking into account the peculiarities of each culture, region and location.
In order to captivate the 'little ones', one of the most widespread techniques is the playful approach to financial education, as integral part of child development, in order to encourage curiosity and facilitate understanding about finance.
As a result of this application, children will grow up, from the beginning of their lives, learning to deal naturally with money, in addition to establishing a healthier and more responsible relationship with the bills they will one day have to pay.
On the social level, it is relevant to observe the result of a survey carried out by Instituto Locomotiva, according to which, more than 60% of Brazilians who suffer stress, face family conflicts due to financial issues, while another 21.9% admit inability to face an expense unexpected.