To combat cases such as the formation of cavities, an internal barrier called dental repair is formed. This name is given, as the cells of the tooth are reconstructed from their inner part, preventing the advancement of decay and assisting in the regeneration of the site.
However, there are study techniques that apply to these cells in order to recreate the regenerative capacity, something that is not considered an easy task.
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Researchers from the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, from the USP, decided to create the scientific article “Can we Help Teeth to Repair Themselves?”.
The text is intended for children and teenagers understand the process behind tooth regeneration.
“The article shows imaging methods that the dental surgeon can use to assess tissue neoformation in the office and the methods used in laboratory investigation.
And it explains how stem cells can be collected from the dental pulp to be used in tissue engineering and in the formation of different tissues and organs", said Francisco Wanderley Garcia de Paula e Silva, professor at Forp and coordinator of the group.
(Image: publicity)
The goal is to teach in a simple and easy way how the tooth cell regeneration process works and how they are used during studies.
With the presentation of the article, it is also intended to inform about the stem cells found in the pulp of teeth. Those that have an incredible regenerative ability and can, after the emergence of cavities, form new dental parts.
Despite being found in the teeth of both adults and children (baby teeth), stem cells go far beyond the point of repairing the damage caused to these members of the mouth itself.
They are the subject of study in several areas, being cells capable of restoring numerous types of body organs.
A very evident example are the heart, liver, muscles and bones, thus demonstrating the infinite regenerative potential of these cells.
To check out the article on teeth and their regeneration developed by USP researchers, just click in this link and access the document in its entirety.