More of 7 billion reais in inactive accounts are available in the Values Receivable System (SVR), of the Central Bank. These amounts can be withdrawn by individuals and legal entities via the government website.
This Monday (11), new data on the forgotten amount was released. According to these data, R$5.85 billion belongs to individuals and R$1.4 billion belongs to CNPJs in Brazil.
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Of the amounts reported, 63% of beneficiaries must withdraw up to R$10, but 1.77% of beneficiaries are entitled to amounts above R$1,000. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the official system of Amounts Receivable from the Central Bank and check for forgotten money.
In total, the Central Bank reported that R$7.299 billion had not yet been redeemed by citizens, according to data from July 2023.
(Image: disclosure)
O central bank informs that it is very important to be attentive when accessing the Amounts Receivable system to avoid fraud and digital scams. Therefore, the only website to check inactive accounts is: https://valoresareceber.bcb.gov.br/
After accessing the link, you will have the options to check the system without logging in. To do this, click on “Consult amounts receivable”. You will then be redirected to another screen, where you must fill in the security characters and data:
Physical person: CPF and date of birth
Legal person: CNPJ and registration opening date
After that, you will see information about the values available for your document. If you do not have any money to receive, you will see the following message: “No amounts to receive were found for the data entered”.
To withdraw the available money, you must log in with a gov.br account (silver or gold levels). Then, it is necessary to check the value and the financial institution of origin again.