activity text interpretation, aimed at fifth-year elementary school students, about trees and the axe. A woodcutter went to the forest to ask the trees to give him a handle for his ax.. What happened from there? Let's find out? So, read the text carefully! Then, answer the various questions proposed!
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A woodcutter went to the forest to ask the trees to give him a handle for his axe. The trees thought it wouldn't hurt to comply with the woodcutter's request and immediately decided to do what he wanted.
It was decided that the ash tree, which was a common and modest tree, would provide what was needed.
But, as soon as he received what he had asked for, the woodcutter began to attack everything he found in the forest with his ax, cutting down the most beautiful trees.
The oak, which only realized the tragedy when it was too late to do anything, whispered to the cedar:
— It was a mistake to fulfill the first request he made. Why did we sacrifice our humble neighbor? If we hadn't done this, who knows, we would live for many, many years!
Aesop. Available in: .
(With cutting and adaptation).
Question 1 – What is the intention of the text read?
( ) make an appeal.
( ) debate a topic.
( ) transmit a teaching.
Question 2 – According to the text, what did the woodcutter ask of the trees?
Question 3 – In “The trees thought it wouldn’t hurt to fulfill the woodcutter’s request It is They immediately decided to do what he wanted.”, the underlined word indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) facts that alternate.
( ) facts that contrast.
Question 4 – In the excerpt “It was decided that the ash tree, which was a common and modest tree, would provide what was needed.”, the part between commas:
( ) calls the ash tree.
( ) takes up the ash tree.
( ) presents the ash tree.
Question 5 – In the passage “[…] I would give O that was necessary.”, the underlined term has the meaning of:
( ) "that".
( ) "that one".
( ) "that one".
Question 6 – Read back:
“But as soon as he received what he had asked for, the woodcutter began to attack with his ax everything he found in the forest, cutting down the most beautiful trees.”
This fragment is:
( ) the beginning of the story.
( ) the climax of the story.
( ) the outcome of the story.
Question 7 – The segment “[…] only realized the tragedy when it was too late to do anything […]” is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 8 – Watch:
“— It was a mistake to fulfill the first request he made. Why did we sacrifice our humble neighbor? If we hadn’t done this, who knows, who knows, we would live for many, many years!”
The dash marks the beginning of the speech:
( ) of the cedar.
( ) of the ash tree.
( ) of the oak.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.