One unpublished pyramid hexagonal was discovered in the Eurasian steppes, marking the first time such a shape has been identified in the region.
Approximately 3,800 years old, the structure was found during excavations in the Abai area, Kazakhstan.
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The revelation was made on August 8 by the Eurasian National University (ENU). The institution's archaeologists have been conducting investigations in the region since 2014.
The pyramid is located in the Kyrykungir complex, near the village of Toktamys. Excavations continue, with expectations that more information about the structure and its history will be uncovered.
(Image: Eurasian National University/Reproduction)
Students and teachers from the Eurasian National University (ENU) collaborated in revealing the pyramid dated to the beginning of the second millennium BC. C., located in the steppes and belonging to the Bronze Age.
In a statement, Ian Umitkaliyev, head of ENU's Department of Archeology and Ethnology, detailed the pyramid's fascinating features.
With 13 meters in length and eight rows of stones between each face, it is a sophisticated and complex structure, according to the professional.
He added that the structure contains several circles at its core and that its exterior walls are adorned with images of various animals, with emphasis on representations of horses.
(Image: Eurasian National University/Reproduction)
The discovery of the hexagonal pyramid offers a deep insight into the equine cult of the time. Horse bones found around the stone monument and images of camels engraved on the structure highlight the importance of these animals in the culture of that period.
According to historian Umitkaliyev, archaeological finds also include ceramics, earrings female pieces of gold and other jewelry, reinforcing the idea that the Bronze Age was a period culturally rich.
The Live Science portal reported that although the pyramid does not reach the grandiose heights of Egyptian structures, it still rises about 3 meters. It is also estimated to have served as an elite cemetery.
According to information provided by Umitkaliyev to the portal, the structure, discovered in 2023, features megaliths in each corner, weighing up to a ton.
Currently, parts of the pyramid are covered by a mound of earth, and it is uncertain whether the building ever had a roof.
(Image: Ian Umitkaliyev/Reproduction)
Karen Rubinson, a research associate at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, and an expert on archeology in the Eurasian region, she commented on the recently discovered hexagonal pyramid.
Even though she was not directly involved in the find, Rubinson emphasized the need for more information so that the structure can be evaluated scientifically.
The expert highlighted the importance of publishing scientific records, photographs of artifacts and petroglyphs, and expressed the archaeological community's enthusiasm for learning more about this remarkable discovery.