Debate the National Incentives and Benefits Policy for future basic education teachers. This was the central motivation of the public hearing held, this Tuesday (3), by the Education committee of the Federal Senate, with the support of the Ministry of Education (MEC), through the Intersectoral Coordination Secretariat (Sase), in addition to representatives from various bodies related to Education.
According to the general coordinator of Valorization of Education Professionals at MEC, Maria Stela Reis, the subject of teaching has been analyzed collectively, with a view to building the new National Education Plan (PNE), with the participation of the National Education Forum Education (FNE). In this aspect, Maria Stela understands that the goals of the new PNE should reflect a pact for guidance of policies and actions in the educational area, having as its pillar the appreciation of education professionals education.
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According to the coordinator, “a policy to combat the blackout, to make the career more attractive in some aspects, is a central issue within the PNE discussion. The issue of valuing teachers is part of the problem called ‘Deprofessionalization of Teaching’, in the diagnosis of the new PNE. This was the expression we found and which best described the situation of teaching, the loss of characteristics of the profession, such as: knowledge specific to work in your area, adequate working conditions, recognition, distinction in relation to other professionals and autonomy to to create. So, it is a series of characteristics that are worn out and need attention”, she highlighted.
Among the participants, there was consensus around the importance of valuing one's career and identifying ways to attract new teachers, through a national training policy, which is the result of a national pact that commits to strict compliance with the initiative.
In addition to Maria Stela, the Senate debate was also attended by the general coordinator of the National Campaign for the Right to Education, Andressa Pellanda; the director of Educational Policies at the Península Mariana Breim Institute; the president of the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (Undime) Luiz Miguel Martins; the general coordinator of the Teaching Profession Movement, Haroldo Rocha; the finance secretary of the National Confederation of Education Workers (CNTE), Rosilene Corrêa; the president of the National Forum of Pibid and Pedagogical Residency Coordinators, Cristiane Antonia Johann; the president of the Center for Study and Research in Education, Culture and Community Action (CENPEC), Anna Helena Altenfelder; and the coordinator of the Movimentos Docentes network. Marilena Rosalen.