The mind-boggling advancement of technology over the means of information/communication, despite definitively establishing, through interconnectivity, the concept of global village – coined by the visionary spirit of Marshal McLuhan, back in the distant 60s – It also brought a series of 'after-effects' and distortions, perhaps due to its lack of moral values and principles, considered, by many, 'a thing of the past'. past'.
In this way, the profusion of information was contaminated by the virtual ‘virus’ of disinformation, which, in turn, created discourses of hatred, supported by the lack of human guidance that could impose some kind of limit on the diversity of images and texts produced by artificial intelligence, which can hide intentions, interests and mental manipulations, with unpredictable consequences, for now rival, homo sapiens.
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As an attempt to face these challenges and propose (if possible and when there is still time), solutions that alleviate the problems of modernity, precipitated by transhumanism, among other phenomena, is that the 1st Brazilian Week of Media Education was conceived – which takes place in the period from October 23rd to 27th – under the observation that “the exercise of citizenship involves the construction of a safer and more secure information environment. reliable".
Led by the Social Communication Secretariat (Secom) of the Presidency of the Republic with support from various entities (among them, the Instituto Palavra Aberta), the activities include holding a face-to-face seminar, webinars with experts, in addition to allow educators to transmit their experiences and projects associated with the topic, with a view to ‘mapping’ the scope of education media in the country.
On this occasion, materials such as lesson plans, videos and booklets on combating misinformation and hate speech will also be made available, cyber-resilience and creation of counter-narratives, produced by the partners of the national week – Palavra Aberta, Unesco, SaferNet Brasil, Redes Cordiais, Instituto Vero and Intervozes.
In addition to representing the possibility of raising awareness among governments, civil society organizations, educators and other agents about the importance and the urgency of the topic, the event aims to serve as 'inspiration', by presenting practices already carried out in different parts of the world.
“With the spread of rumors and the distortion of facts, the border between what is false and what is reliable has become blurred. This affects the pillars of our societies and democracies and puts lives at risk, through the spread of cures that do not exist, conspiracy theories about vaccines or practices of racism and hate speech”, highlights the director general of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, for whom, “in the face of the avalanche of information, we need more points of reference and more thinking critical. And that is why media and information education is an essential skill for citizens of the 21st century.”