Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses adjectives. How about analyzing them in the text about the jambolão tree? To do so, answer the questions proposed!
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A medium-sized tree, quite branched and with abundant dark green foliage, the jambolão has everything to decorate our gardens. cities, provide good shade, soften the surrounding microclimate, attract birds, in addition to serving as a natural pharmacy in medicine popular. The fruits that the tree produces in abundance during harvest times, when ripe, are purple, almost black, with purple and juicy pulp. They cover the floor and dye everything they touch: hands, clothes, benches in the square, the sidewalk.
Available in:. (Fragment with cut).
Question 1 – Point out the segment that contains an adjective:
( ) “[…] the jambolão has everything to decorate our cities […]”
( ) “[…] provide good shade, soften the surrounding microclimate […]”
( ) “They cover the floor and dye everything they touch […]”
Question 2 – In "[…] quite branched […]”, the highlighted term:
( ) explains the meaning of the adjective.
( ) intensifies the meaning of the adjective.
( ) complements the meaning of the adjective.
Question 3 – In the text, there is a compound adjective. Identify it:
Question 4 – Highlight the following adjectives:
“[…] in addition to serving as a natural pharmacy in popular medicine.”
Question 5 – Regarding the gender of the adjectives highlighted above, it can be stated that:
( ) both are uniform.
( ) both are biform.
( ) one is uniform and the other is biform.
Question 6 – Read back:
“[…] when ripe, they are purple, almost black […]”
The adjectives used in this excerpt characterize:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.