Procrastination and lack of attention have been two of the worst problems faced by many people in this immediate world in which we live.
When it comes to personal life, for example, it is imperative that people are always attentive and focused. Otherwise, they could lose space to other people and even to machines equipped with Artificial intelligence.
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Do you have difficulty concentrating? Do you lose attention easily and keep procrastinating? Calm!
Below, we list 10 common habits that you can start practicing today and that are capable of reversing this situation of inattention and tendency to procrastination. Discover them!
(Image: disclosure)
1. Abandon “multitasking mode”
In recent times, much has been said about the value that “multitasking professionals” supposedly have in the market. However, the reality is not quite like that.
Accumulating multiple roles and responsibilities is completely harmful to your mental and physical health, as well as your productivity.
So, forget this idea that you have to know or do everything. Focus your efforts on a single specialty and learn to do one thing at a time.
2. Start your day by putting together an itinerary
Make it a habit to write a script of what needs to be done throughout the day right after waking up. If necessary, start waking up earlier so you have time to eat a good breakfast and do it straight away.
You will see that this daily agenda will better direct your efforts, making you more attentive and proactive.
3. Stimulate your focus naturally
It's scary to see that most people are truly addicted to focus stimulants, such as energy drinks, coffee and some types of carbohydrates.
If you want true focus, you need to stimulate your natural focus. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop a new lifestyle, away from drugs of any kind and based on a good diet, physical exercise, a good night’s sleep and “detox” routines mental.
4. Separate quality moments for your leisure
Another untruth often propagated by some people who claim to train professionals to be more productive is the claim that no one needs leisure. These individuals maintain that rest represents a waste of time.
Don’t listen to these spreaders of “fake news about professional life”. If you want to improve your attention levels, invest in moments of leisure and rest. You deserve!
5. Control your blood sugar
Blood sugar levels interact directly with the human body's energy reserve. This reserve, in turn, is what determines how much focus and attention a person will have.
So, make a point of always checking your blood glucose levels, ensuring they are always balanced. Remember: your overall health depends on it!
6. Exclude “cheap dopamine” from your life
Another very common practice nowadays is the infamous search for “cheap dopamine” or “immediate pleasure”. This is done by many people looking to relax their mind in some way.
To obtain good levels of attention and focus, it is necessary to invest in methods that promote authentic mental cleansing, such as physical exercise and quality time spent with family. Therefore, avoid spending hours on end playing video games or in front of screens.
7. Understand that not everything is personal
Know how to divide your personal life from your professional life. Understand that, when it comes to work, almost everything has to do with your professionalism and almost nothing concerns you as a person.
By keeping this in mind, you will create a kind of “mental switch”, allowing you to change “character” whenever you need to.
8. Find a purpose for your life
Since antique, several philosophers teach us that the driving force that leads humanity to move in search of progress are life purposes. What is your?
Only with a well-defined purpose will you be able to set goals. And only with well-defined goals will you have enough attention to keep moving forward.
9. Develop your self-responsibility
To have more attention and focus in life, it is necessary to evolve mentally. That old childish mentality that everything is always someone else's responsibility no longer makes any sense.
Look in the mirror, become aware of yourself and hold on to the fact that you are the commander of your destiny. By turning this key, you will turn all the others!
10. Maintain a controlled routine
Last but not least, we can say with certainty that maintaining a well-adjusted routine is one of the main ways to have focus and attention at desirable levels. This way, instead of complaining about your routine, improve it!
Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.