After many years of studies, scientists finally seem to have come up with a skin product that, in fact, regenerates our “skin”. But it's not just any product, it's a sunscreen, with an ingredient that makes all the difference: artificial “supermelanin”.
The discovery was made by scientists from Northwestern University, in the United States. The study describing the effects of the cosmetic was published in the scientific journal Nature Regenerative. In the text, it is clear that the product not only prevents the effect of the sun, but also repairs our skin.
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“Supermelanin” is artificial and repairs low-level damage caused by exposure to UV light. And, speaking of which, the “miracle” sunscreen is also capable of neutralizing free radicals caused by this “honey”.
Just to give you an idea, they are responsible for ending the collagen of our skin. From then on, wrinkles, spots and the dreaded sagging appear.
According to the article, sunscreen with “supermelanin” has the ability to accelerate the skin regeneration process – when applied directly to wounds. The study showed that more than half of the patients' skin had improved healing.
However, more studies are still needed, especially regarding the product's impacts on human skin, as highlighted by one of the scientists behind the study, Professor Nathan Gianneschi. Therefore, the protector “of the gods” may still take some time to reach the shelves.
Even though it is not as complete a product as the one created by scientists, dermatologists from all over the world – including the one that works in your neighborhood – recommend the use of sunscreen every day. The ideal is to apply a generous layer on all areas that will be exposed to the Sun, but, let's face it, we are only protecting our face.
Therefore, doctors also ask patients to apply it to the neck, behind and also inside the ears. These are areas that few people remember and which, precisely for this reason, are more prone to the appearance of skin cancer or blemishes.
Graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.