O Conforming Shipping, a federal program that guarantees exemption from taxes in the import of goods worth up to US$50 purchased by Brazilians, has still caused controversy among consumers. According to information released by Valor Econômico, the Chamber of Deputies is studying a Bill (PL) that considers resuming the collection of the tax.
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The intention of the Ministry of Finance and Congress is that Conforming Remittance reaches 100% of declared purchases. This is expected to happen later this year. Only after this objective has been achieved will a new tax rate be considered.
At the beginning of the month, the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, had a meeting with representatives of the textile industry and the government. During the meeting, the economic team would have signaled their interest in returning to taxation by the end of the year.
With the new rule, companies duly registered with Remessa Conform are exempt from import tax on purchases of up to US$50. The ICMS charge is a standard 17% on all purchases. Even though the Ministry of Finance does not confirm the information, this is not the first time that the return of taxes on international purchases has been discussed.
Last month, the Executive Secretary of Finance, Dario Durigan, stated that the government is seeking of a solution that defines an import tariff to provide equality between international companies and O national retail. The rate studied is at least 20%, according to the proposal of companies in the sector.
Furthermore, the possibility of an increase in the ICMS tax rate on taxes was not ruled out, going from 17.5% to 25%. However, Durigan states that the government's intention is to maintain the tax exemption until the economic team is able to assess whether the measure creates unfair competition with Brazilian businesspeople.