Firstly, the sun goes through a warming peak every 11 years, completing the solar cycle. This phenomenon is the periodic variation of magnetic activity and radiation, which impact the Earth.
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During the peak, explosions of plasma and energy occur that affect climate, communication and technology. Therefore, it is important to understand the risks involved in the increase in temperature in recent years.
Stains began to become evident on the surface layer
Sunspots are evidence that the sun is undergoing accelerated changes, indicating instability. In other words, numerous explosions are currently happening around the star, creating holes. While the fissures are 3,000 ºC, the common area registers 6,000 ºC, but the fluctuation increases the thermal sensation.
AR3354: giant brand that worries scientists
Secondly, AR3354 is the name of a giant sunspot that was observed in 2023. This record had a diameter of about 200,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to 15 times the size of Earth. Therefore, it was so large that it could be seen with the naked eye, using special filters.
Airglow: Unexpected light incidences
Airglow is an atmospheric phenomenon that consists of the emission of light by molecules and atoms in the upper atmosphere. Although it occurs continuously, it is visible at night, through colored bands. In relation to flashes, elements that include oxygen, nitrogen, helium and hydrogen.
Clouds that become transparent and dark
Another factor is the formation of clouds which become transparent and dark, called noctilucent. Therefore, polar mesospheric clouds at an altitude of around 80 kilometers form ice crystals that reflect sunlight. Therefore, the appearance of similar fogs indicates the warming of the atmosphere.
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