The kitchen sponge is an essential tool for cleaning the house. It is used to wash the crazy, cleaning countertops and sinks, and even more difficult surfaces, such as stoves and ovens. But despite their importance, sponges can also be a major hygiene problem.
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Few people know, but even in direct contact with detergent and soap, the sponge needs to be sanitized. This is because it is a perfect environment for the proliferation of bacteria.
Wet sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria. When you think about it, your kitchen sponge touches everything from raw meat and fish even saliva, and all the gross things in between. Many people also use the sponge to clean countertops and sinks, adding to the cornucopia of microbes residing on this cleaner's surfaces.
A study published in the scientific journal “Applied and Environmental Microbiology” found that kitchen sponges can contain up to 200 times more bacteria than the dirtiest sink. The most common bacteria found on kitchen sponges include salmonella, E. coli and Listeria. These bacteria can cause a variety of illnesses, including food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and urinary tract infections.
There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination on your kitchen sponge. A simple tip is to use a binder clip to keep it dry.
When you're done washing the dishes, rinse the sponge and remove as much water as you can. Press the metal tweezers on the binder clip to open it, and insert the sponge vertically into the clasp so it stands upright. Place the bottom of the clip on a flat surface where it cannot be dropped or moved and let it dry until next use.
By keeping your sponge where it can be ventilated, you prevent bacteria accumulate in spaces full of moisture. When a sponge is left in the sink or laid aside after washing, the damp sections provide the perfect environment for salmonella and other bacteria to multiply and thrive.
The clip also prevents bad odors and mold thanks to the drying power it provides. If you remember to turn the completely exposed side over after a few hours, this will help with the drying process by allowing both ends to receive airflow.
The binder clip trick is a simple and effective way to keep your kitchen sponge fresh and clean. With a little care, you can help reduce the risk of bacterial contamination and keep your home healthier.
In addition to the binder clip trick, here are some other tips for keeping your kitchen sponge clean and safe:
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your kitchen sponge is a safe and hygienic cleaning tool.
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