Students who accessed the Unified Selection System (Sisu) page can now see the cutoff scores for each course. The information is usually released only on the second day of registration, after midnight but it was anticipated.
The cutoff marks can be accessed in the public part of the site, just search for the desired course. Notes are available for each of the forms of registration.
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Registration began on January 22nd and can be done until the 25th, on the Sisu page. In all, 235,461 vacancies will be offered in 129 public institutions across the country.
Students who took the Enem 2018 and obtained a score above zero in the writing test can apply for vacancies.
During the first day, students complained on social networks about the difficulty in accessing the system. “Since 9 am I've been trying to access the Sisu website and I can't”, says a Twitter user. “Entering the Sisu website is another impossible test”, says another.
In a note, the Ministry of Education (MEC) says that the Sisu system registered a slowdown in the morning of this first day of registrations “due to the large number of accesses”. The folder states that the system “is in the process of normalization by the end of the day”. Until 12:00, 441,157 entries were made.
According to the MEC, the cut-off point is an estimate based on the candidates registered so far. Although it is not a guarantee of a place, it is possible to use the information to guide the choice.
During the registration period at Sisu, the candidate can consult, in his bulletin, the partial classification in the chosen course option. The partial classification is calculated from the marks of the candidates enrolled in the same option. It is, like the cut-off point, a reference and not a guarantee of a vacancy.
During this period, the candidate can modify the course option as many times as he wants. The last option confirmed by the student will be considered in the selection process.
At the time of registration, students can choose up to two course options, in order of preference. The main novelty this year is that students who are selected in either of the two options will not be able to join the waiting list.
Until last year, those who were selected in the second option could still participate in the list and have the chance to be chosen in the first option.
The result will be announced on January 28. The enrollment of those selected must be made from January 30th to February 4th.
From January 28th to February 4th, students who were not selected in the regular call, in any of the options, can express their interest in joining the waiting list. These students will be summoned by the educational institutions themselves from February 7th. With information from Agência Brasil.