With the end of the year and the parliamentary recess approaching, we are getting closer every day to having a definition for the value of the minimum wage in 2024.
The Ministry of Planning, under the leadership of Simone Tebet, prepared a draft of the Annual Budget Law (LOA), which was proposed to the National Congress. The document provides for a minimum wage of R$1,421.
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However, Congress itself can change the value upwards or downwards, in addition to the possibility of interference that will erode Brazilian purchasing power next year, making any increase useless.
(Image: disclosure)
If the terms of the LOA sent by government Congress are fully accepted, the minimum wage will increase by R$101, considering that the current value is R$1,320.
However, many Brazilians question whether price adjustments and other consequences of this increase may or may not compromise this impression of “earning more”.
According to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's management team, negotiations with Congress National that refer to the base salary for 2024 aim exactly to preserve the purchasing power of the Brazilian.
To this end, the Executive and Legislative powers can come together around agendas that establish new forms of collection, allowing the reduction of taxes charged on essential products for the population, which would cause a decrease in the prices of these goods.
In any case, many actors in national politics, unfortunately not all, are concerned about maintaining good fiscal equivalence, avoiding the expansion of public debt.
Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.