Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, about verbs in the infinitive. Let's analyze the verbs in this nominal form in the text brown booby? To do so, answer the questions proposed! In “Stays in groups on top of fishing boats, where you can __________ to rest […]”, should the space be filled with the infinitive verb “pose” or “land”?
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The species feeds on fish and can capture prey even at great heights. They stay in groups on top of fishing boats, where they can __________ to rest and sometimes get a fish thrown from the boat. The bird nests in small colonies on the ground and is probably the most abundant of the sulids.
The brown booby is a bird characteristic of tropical and subtropical seas, including the Brazilian coasts and seas […]
Larissa Fortunato.
Available in: .
Question 1 – Watch:
“The species feeds on fish and can capture prey even at great heights.”
Identify the infinitive verb used in this excerpt:
Question 2 – The infinitive verb identified above is:
( ) impersonal.
( ) flexed staff.
( ) staff not inflected.
Question 3 – Fill in the space with the infinitive verb “to pose” or “to land”:
“They stay in groups on fishing boats, where they can __________ to rest […]”
Question 4 – Select the segment that contains a verb in the infinitive:
( ) “[…] and sometimes get a fish thrown from the boat.”
( ) “The bird nests in small colonies on the ground […]”
( ) “The brown booby is a bird characteristic of tropical and subtropical seas […]”
Question 5 – In the segment highlighted above, the verb in the infinitive required a complement without a preposition. Therefore, he is:
( ) intransitive.
( ) direct transitive.
( ) indirect transitive.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.