Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, about verbs in passive voice. How about analyzing this verbal voice in the text? Fun facts about dry ice!? To do this, answer the questions proposed!
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In the air we breathe on Earth, only a small fraction is made up of carbon dioxide. On Mars, most of the atmosphere – the layer of air that surrounds the planet – is made up of this gas. Result? As it is very cold at the poles of the red planet, they are covered by a thick layer of… dry ice. In other words, from frozen carbon dioxide!
“Science Today for Children” magazine. Edition 174.
Available in: .
Question 1 – Highlight the verb in the following passive voice:
“In the air we breathe on Earth, only a small fraction is made up of carbon dioxide.”
Question 2 – Name a verb in the passive voice with the same meaning as highlighted above:
Question 3 – In “Already on Mars, most of the atmosphere – the layer of air that surrounds the planet – is formed by this gas.”, the verb in the passive voice refers to a subject:
( ) hidden.
( ) simple.
( ) compound.
Question 4 – Watch:
“As it is very cold at the poles of the red planet, they are covered by a thick layer of… dry ice.”
Identify the verb in the passive voice in this excerpt:
Question 5 – The complement of a verb in the passive voice is called the passive agent. In the excerpt previously transcribed, this agent is introduced by the preposition:
( ) "in".
( ) "per".
( ) "in".
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Literature and specialist in distance education.