A didactic sequence on black consciousness can send children a reflective thought, which will lead them to see the difference in respecting the other.
Its objective is to know and value the origins of black people living in Brazil, expanding knowledge about the African culture to know that many of our customs came from black people, developing attitudes of respect for difference.
They can bring the origins of blacks who live in Brazil, as they came to Brazil. How they lived in slavery, the abuse they suffered, religion and education, African influences such as music, food, dance, religion and the life of black people today.
Reading about books, raising questions about slaves, asking for home research.
The main objective is for the student to understand the importance of the socio-political context and the advances in the fight against racism and prejudice that the country suffers so much.
Articles with Portuguese language, which involve writing texts, debate about the quota of blacks, opportunities or discrimination.
Lectures on black culture and bullying;
Exhibition of works created by blacks;
Black artistic and cultural performances;
theatrical performances with puppets;
Reading children's books with black characters;
Collage activities about black people's games;
Creation of posters about radical discrimination, with images from used magazines and books.
This work has the objective of promoting an ethical education, focused on respect and harmonious coexistence with diversity. ethically significant, providing conditions of our own historical roots that helped and help to constitute the culture to form the nation Brazilian.
Develop skills and competences within the structural levels of written language, awakening the taste, the interest, habit and curiosity for reading children's stories, expanding vocabulary and developing the language.
Valuing the ethnic and cultural diversity of the Brazilian people, understanding the importance of mixing races.
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