the pedagogical activities are very creative.
the storytelling course is very good
All assessments are very important at school. This is because teachers are able to monitor the development of each of their students. With that in mind, we decided to select a discipline and apply some test examples. In this case, we selected story review ideas for the 5th year. Enjoy!
Read the sentences below and mark with “X” the correct alternative for each question.
1- One of the factors that favored the end of the Brazilian Empire was:
( ) Arrival of D. Pedro II to Portugal.
( ) The arrival of immigrants who defended workers' rights.
( ) The destruction of Napoleon's troops.
2- Which of the factors below justifies the increase of immigrants in Brazil during the imperial period?
( ) The exuberant nature of the time attracted foreign tourists who loved the beach.
( ) To replace the Indians in the fields.
( ) The end of the slave trade made people from other countries come here, with the objective of working on the coffee plantations.
3- How did the newspapers present the figure of the emperor in the Imperial period?
( ) They only published images of him as a young man.
( ) They published images of him playing with street children.
( ) They published images of the tired and old emperor.
4- After the Proclamation of the Republic on November 15, 1889 we can state that:
( ) The economic situation of the Brazilian people has improved a lot, especially of the poorest people who became rich, some even becoming millionaires.
( ) Soon after the Proclamation of the Republic, Dilma was elected the first president of Brazil.
( ) The situation of the population changed little, as the people continued under the rule of rulers who only attended to the interests of the richest people in the country.
5- What happened to the imperial family after the Proclamation of the Republic?
( ) The imperial family was forced to work on the coffee plantations in place of slaves...
( ) The imperial family was forced to donate their lands to the Indians.
( ) The imperial family left Brazil and returned to Europe.
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the pedagogical activities are very creative.
the storytelling course is very good
it's good to study and ask questions
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