Math activities about sum problems can be a difficulty in early learning. But, thinking about the importance, we separated some activities that can be applied in the classroom. Enjoy!
1) Letícia had 2 tubes of glue. Her father gave 4 more tubes. How many tubes of glue did Letícia stay with?
2) Alana lives on a farm with 2 oxen and 3 cows. How many animals does Alana have?
3) Isadora bought 6 lollipops. Her mother bought 4 more. How many lollipops did Isadora get?
4) Juliana got 4 books from her aunt. And her grandmother gave 3 more books. How many books did Juliana keep?
5) Helisa got 3 dresses from her grandmother. Her mother gave 5 more dresses. How many dresses did Helisa have?
Below, we list some guidelines that can be followed to make this teaching simpler.
Important to know:
1 -Try to carefully explain the step by step. As already mentioned, children are at an early stage of learning. For them, it is important that each action is properly, thoroughly explained.
2 -Make sure that the content was really learned. Run over steps can mean future problems.
3 -Look for statements that exemplify the situation. Don't just use numbers, but everyday cases like, “João bought”, “Paulo sold”. These challenges help to visualize the answer and understand how it was arrived at.
4 -Within these challenges, also try to change the X of the question. In a certain exercise you proposed that “Maria gained R$100”, in the next, use that “Maria lost R$100”, these changes help to teach and identify the difference.
5 -Many ways to achieve the result should not be taught. First, it is important that the child knows how to solve it only one way. The easiest. The rest she will learn in time. This can confuse the student and disrupt the entire process.
6-Encourage the calculation with your hand. Despite being a method criticized for an adult, for someone who is starting and getting familiar with numbers, it is very interesting.
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