Math activity, developed for students in the sixth year of elementary school, with questions about circumference and circle.
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1) Complete the gaps in the text below explaining how we agreed to represent the point, the line and the plane?
We have to represent: o by letters of our alphabet; the straight line, by letters of our alphabet, and the plane, by lowercase letters of the alphabet
2) Analyze the figure below:
a) How can we classify the lines r and s?
b) What is the highlighted point on the line t?
c) What is the common point of the lines r and s?
3) Answer: at an angle of how many degrees does the turn of one complete revolution of one of the hands of a clock correspond?
4) Set (V) to true and (F) to false.
a) ( ) The circumference has a limited inner region.
b) ( ) The circle is just a line.
c) ( ) The circle has an inner region bounded by a circumference.
d) ( ) Right angles measure 90 degrees.
5) Explain what are the positions between two straight lines in the plane?
6) Analyze the words below and fill in the gaps in the following texts:
a) Quadrilaterals that have a pair of parallel sides are called; those that have two pairs of parallel sides are the
b) The parallelograms are the rectangle, the and the
c) Triangles are polygons that have three sides, three angles and three vertices. As for the measure of the sides, they are classified in, and isosceles.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva- Graduated in Literature and Pedagogy and postgraduated in Special Education
At answers are in the link above the header.