Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the seventh year of elementary school, addresses the compound subject. When does a subject classify that way? When you have more than one core! What does that mean? It means he has more than one main word! Let's analyze this type of subject in the text about the book “The Code Hunters Club 1”? So, answer the proposed questions!
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Cody, Quinn, Luke and M.E. are very different from each other, but they all have something in common: they love creating and deciphering codes. In fact, they love codes so much that they have their own secret club with a cache and passwords that change every day. When Cody and Quinn realize what might be a code in the window of a neighboring house that belongs to the guy they call Skeleton Man, the club springs into action. And it's a call for help.
Book Author: Penny Warner. Available in: .
Question 1 - The subject is composed in the sentence:
( ) "Cody, Quinn, Luke and M.E. are very different from each other [...]"
( ) “[…] but they all have something in common […]”
( ) “[…] they call it Skeleton Man […]”
Question 2 - A subject is composed when it has more than one nucleus. In the clause identified above, the nuclei of the compound subject are:
( ) adjectives.
( ) pronouns.
( ) nouns.
Question 3 - In the passage “Actually, they love codes so much […]”, the personal pronoun “they” plays the role of:
( ) resume a compound subject.
( ) announce a composite subject.
( ) complement a composite subject.
Question 4 – Underline the compound subject in this text fragment:
"When Cody and Quinn realize what might be a code in the window of a neighboring house […]"
Question 5 - The verb, which refers to the subject composed in the fragment above, was used:
( ) in indicative mode.
( ) in subjunctive mode.
( ) in imperative mode.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.