Portuguese activity, suitable for ninth grade students, addresses the conjunctions. Conjunctions link the ideas that make up a text! Therefore, studying them is essential! Come on? Answer the various questions proposed based on the text No Boundaries! In it, the author reflects on the human imagination, based on the films “Life is beautiful” and “Naufrago”. Also, he quotes Martin Luther King. Be sure to read the text and, of course, study the conjunctions!
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There are no limits to the human imagination. Even under adverse conditions, man is able to create representations of reality, either with the intention of change an existing situation, whether to get out of the monotonous routine of daily life or to escape a reality hostile to life. These images play an important role in the human soul and go far beyond the recreational connotation, they form hope and, in some cases, can determine the individual's survival.
In the movie “Life is beautiful”, whose context is that of the Second World War, a man, prisoner in a camp. concentration, weaves a range of positive and fun images so that your child, a child, thinks he is in the middle of a Just kidding. In this case, the escape from reality through human inventiveness meant the alienation of the individual, but this guaranteed his survival, as the boy resists until the end so that he can receive his reward.
In the movie “Shipwrecked”, the character played by Tom Hanks imagines a talking ball endowed with thought, which was given the name Wilson. This creation of the castaway prevented loneliness from driving him to madness and suicide until he was rescued. Both examples given are substitutions of reality by images, aiming at the “I”, as well as takes place in today's society, in which the individual grows, competition intensifies and a reality is created hostile; escape becomes a matter of survival.
Luther King, when uttering the phrase “I have a dream”, referred to the image created by him of a better world, in which the coexistence between whites and blacks was peaceful. Reality, however, was marked by a veritable apartheid, attacks by organizations like the ku klux klan, in a kind of witch hunt. After King, much of the intolerance subsided. The image created by a man saved the collective.
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Question 1 - Identify the sentence in which the highlighted element performs the function of conjunction:
a) “In the movie “Life is beautiful”, whose context is that of the Second World War […]"
B) "[…] because the boy resists until the end […]"
c) "This creation of the castaway avoided what loneliness drove him mad […]"
d) “[…] in which the interaction in between whites and blacks were peaceful.”
Question 2 - In the passage “[…] be with the intention of changing an existing situation, be to get out of the monotonous routine of everyday life […]”, the highlighted terms indicate:
a) opposing facts.
b) alternating facts.
c) facts that add up.
d) facts that are justified.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] weaves a range of positive and fun images […]”, the conjunction “and” links words that:
a) characterize the images.
b) determine the images.
c) explain the images.
d) complement the images.
Question 4 – Underline the conjunction that indicates the idea of purpose in this part:
“[…] so that your child, a child, thinks he is in the middle of a game.”
Question 5 - In the fragment “[…] meant the alienation of the individual, but this guaranteed his survival.”, the conjunction “but” expresses:
a) a contrast
b) a conclusion
c) a caveat
d) a compensation
Question 6 – In the segment “Reality, however, was marked by a true apartheid […]”, the commas separate:
a) an additive conjunction
b) an adversative conjunction
c) an explanatory conjunction
d) an alternative conjunction
Question 7 – In "[…] as occurs in today's society […]”, the underlined conjunction introduces:
a) a cause
b) an example
c) a deduction
d) a comparison
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.