Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, aims to study the significant verbs. Do you know when a verb is meaningful? No? So, answer the questions about the text prehistoric men.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The first human beings appeared in Africa.
Prehistoric men who looked like us were nomadic hunters. They moved in small groups and took shelter at the entrance to caves or under tents.
They lived by hunting and harvesting.
Men hunted reindeer with spears and sticks.
With reindeer skins, they made their clothes and tents.
With the bones of reindeer, they produced their tools: arrows, daggers, needles to sew the skins.
They ate reindeer meat.
With reindeer horns, they made objects such as ornaments and weapons.
My 1st Library “Larousse Descobertas”. Translation: Leila Gouvêa. São Paulo: Larousse do Brasil, 2007, p. 62 – 63.
Question 1 - The verb in the sentence "The first human beings appeared in Africa." indicates:
( ) a state of the first human beings.
( ) a way of being of the first human beings.
( ) an action of the first human beings.
Question 2 - It can be concluded that the verb “appeared” is:
( ) binding
( ) significant
Question 3 - Identify the subject of the significant verb “They moved”:
( ) "The prehistoric men"
( ) "nomadic hunters"
( ) "small groups"
Question 4 – The highlighted verb is not significant in:
( ) “The prehistoric men who looked like with us they were nomadic hunters.”
( ) "They lived hunting and harvesting.”
( ) “With reindeer skins, manufactured your clothes and tents."
Question 5 - In the text, the significant verb “hunted” is:
( ) direct transitive
( ) indirect transitive
( ) direct and indirect transitive
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.