Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the fourth year of elementary school, with questions developed about the text: How hot!
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The weather was very hot in the Roseiras farm, so Avelina and her friends tried to wag their tails under the shadow of the imposing ipe, but to no avail: the cows were still hot.
– How hot! – complained Avelina – It's unbearable! Plus, swatting away those tickling flies makes us feel hotter!
“Oh no,” Zani corrected. “I still prefer heat and flies to cold! I had an idea: Let's moo loudly to call our magpie friends.
- For what? - Asked the other cows, amazed.
“You'll see,” Zani insisted. – Let's all go together. Wooooo!
From the side of the field, the jays recognized the cows' warning call.
- Our friends are having some problems - warned Plum, perched on top of the tree - Let's see what's going on.
A flock of black birds soon flew up and then landed at the foot of the ipe.
- What is happening? – Asked Plum to Zani.
- We are not withstanding this heat! – replied the cow.
– Mainly me – said Avelina – I can't refresh myself…
- Let's fix it - announced Plum full of himself.
Said and done, the rooks bounced rhythmically over the low branches of the ipê, with their weight, the branches moved like a fan.
– Is it okay like that? Asked Ameixinha to Avelina.
- Perfect! – replied the cow, relieved. – It's great to have friends we can count on! exclaimed Zani. - Thanks!
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How was the climate in the rosebush?
3) What did Avelina and her friends fan themselves with to cool off?
4) Where Avelina and her friends tried to hide from the sun?
5) Despite the heat, what most bothered Avelina?
6) What was Zeni's idea?
7) Upon hearing the moo, who appeared to find out what happened to the cows?
8) How did Ameixinha solve the problem of cows with heat?
Per Hélia Higa
At answers are in the header.