Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the demonstrative pronouns. Let's analyze these pronouns in the curious text Parrots don't talk, just imitate sounds? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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Parrots cannot communicate with people, but they are able to imitate sounds. The structure of the beak and tongue allows the reproduction of what they hear, such as words and whistles.
This is possible because these birds have control of the syrinx – an organ located in the trachea, equivalent to the human vocal cords. In nature, they learn to imitate what they hear to exchange information with other birds of their species.
The reproduction ability varies, depending on the personality and the owner's incentive for the animal to reproduce the sounds. It is important to know that this is a wild animal and is only considered legal when purchased from breeding sites registered with Ibama.
Available in:. (With cuts).
Question 1 - The highlighted pronoun is demonstrative in the excerpt:
( ) “[…] allows the reproduction of the what hear, like words and whistles.”
( ) “That it is possible because these birds have control of the syrinx […]"
( ) “[…] exchange information with others birds of your kind.”
Question 2 - In the excerpt mentioned above, the demonstrative pronoun performs the syntactic function of:
( ) subject.
( ) object.
( ) adnominal deputy.
Question 3 - In “This is possible because these birds have control of the syrinx […]”, the underlined demonstrative pronoun was used for:
( ) resume.
( ) advertise.
( ) complementary.
Question 4 – Highlight the term "o" that performs the function of demonstrative pronoun:
“In nature, they learn to imitate what they hear […]”
“[…] for the animal to reproduce the sounds.”
Question 5 - The term highlighted above is a demonstrative pronoun because it is equivalent to:
( ) "This one".
( ) "that one".
( ) "that one".
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.