History activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, with questions developed about Brazilian Prehistory.
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1) Although today we have a clearer vision of the “indigenous mosaic” that inhabited Brazil when the Portuguese arrived, the division into Tupi and Tapuia prevailed for a long time. It is correct to say that this division served to distinguish indigenous groups:
a) From the coast and the interior.
b) Nomads and sedentary people.
c) Warriors and peaceful
d) From inside and outside Brazilian territory
e) Free and villagers.
2) Community is a form of social organization where the absence of private ownership of the means of production results in a community economy where no social classes exist. Regarding Brazilian indigenous peoples, at the time of colonization, mark with a V for true statements and F for false statements.
3) When Brazil was discovered, societies were already rooted for thousands of years in the lands that formed Portuguese America. Regarding these indigenous populations, it is correct to state that
a) religiosity was monotheistic.
b) the social organization was of bands and tribes and production was subsistence.
c) economic relations were market-oriented.
d) populations lived in cities.
e) agriculture was unknown.
4) Indigenous slavery adopted at the beginning of the colonization of Brazil was progressively abandoned and replaced by African, among other reasons, due to:
a) The constant commitment of the papacy in defending the Indians against the colonists.
b) The successful campaign of the Jesuits in favor of the Indians.
c) The complete incapacity of the Indians for work.
d) The large profits provided by the slave trade to private capital and the Crown.
e) The desire expressed by blacks to emigrate to Brazil in search of work.
5) Native people who lived on the left bank of Paraíba up to the Ibiapaba mountain range, in Ceará. Allies of the French at the Bay of Betrayal and later in the Dutch War,
helped the Portuguese. We are talking about
a) ariús.
b) tabajaras.
c) caetés.
d) curries.
e) potiguaras.
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.