Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the fifth or sixth year of elementary school, with questions based on the text “Letter to parents”.
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A boy, with a shy voice and an admiring look, asks his father, when he returns from work:
- Dad! How much do you earn per hour?
The father, in a severe gesture, answers:
– Listen here, my son! This even your mother doesn't know. Don't bother! I am tired.
But, the son insists:
– But daddy, please… tell me how much you earn per hour…
The father's reaction was less severe, and he replied: – R$3.00 per hour.
– So, Dad, can you lend me R$1.00?
The father, filled with wrath, and treating his son with brutality, replied:
- So this was the reason for wanting to know how much I earn? Go to sleep and don't bother me anymore. I am tired!
It was nighttime when the father began to think about what had happened and felt guilty. Maybe, who knows, the son needed to buy something. Wanting to relieve his aching conscience, he went to the boy's room and, in a low voice, asked:
– Son… are you sleeping? – No, Dad. replied the sleepy boy.
– Look, here's the money you asked for.
– Thank you so much, Dad! … – said the son, getting up and removing R$2.00 from a box that was under the bed – Now I'm done! I have R$3.00! Could you give me an hour of your time now?
Unknown author
1) Enumerate the second column according to the first, noting the meaning of the words in context:
1. shy ( ) rude
2. severe ( ) fury
3. soften ( ) strict
4. wrath ( ) that is half awake
5. brutality ( ) upset
6. sleepy ( ) shy
2) Note the following passage in the text: "A boy, with shy voice and admiring look…”. The highlighted words in the sentence above indicate:
a) that the boy, despite feeling admiration for his father, was afraid to ask the question.
b) that the boy, despite feeling admiration for his father, felt shy about asking the question.
c) that the boy was shy and was admired by his father's attitude.
d) that the boy was shy because of his father's attitude, but he admired him a lot.
3) Why did the boy insist on knowing how much his father earned per hour?
a) because he needed to borrow R$1.00.
b) because he needed to borrow R$3.00.
c) because he needed to borrow R$1.00 to complete the exact amount of buying a gift for his father.
d) because he needed to borrow R$1.00 to complete the exact amount of buying an hour of his father's time.
4) Explain the function of the dash in the following excerpt: "- So, Dad, can you lend me R$1.00?"
5) With the words below, elaborate 2 interrogative sentences, 2 exclamatory sentences and 2 affirmative declarative sentences:
a) work
b) time
c) sleep
d) tired
e) bedroom
f) time
6) Note the adjectives below, after find the noun corresponding to each of them, in the text:
a) shy
b) severe
c) severe
d) guilty
e) hurt
f) low
g) sleepy
7) Analyze the end of the text: “Now I'm done! I have R$3.00! Could you give me an hour of your time now?” How do you think the father reacted to this situation?
8) Continue the text. The father must answer the question asked by the son in the last paragraph. Tell how their relationship was after the boy's attitude. Include the actions in the image below in your story. Good work!
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.